“I do trust you, sir,” I say before he leaves.
And I do.
For the longest time, I’ve thought that Frankie’s the only one I trust, reallytrust, but after this whirlwind meeting with my boss, I realize that he’s on the list, too. Everything he’s done over the years has shown me he won’t let me down, not only on a work level, but on a personal level, too.
When he interviewed me, I was hesitant to tell him about being gay but decided I didn’t want to work at a place that would discriminate against me for who I was, so I threw caution to the wind and blurted it out. And he never even blinked, just accepted it, and moved on.
Having Mr. Winters on my side, the knowledge that there’s someone else out there who has my best interest at heart makes it easier to get through the day.
I had no idea I needed it so badly.
* * * *