Chapter 3

“I’m here to do,” the stranger checked her phone, “Jet Deck’s Easy Go Girl.”

“What? No way!”

“What do you mean? Aren’t you the owner?” She checked her phone again. “I’m supposed to ask for a Rebecca Miller.”

“Yes, that’s me. I’m Becca.” Still, Becca didn’t move. “Where’s Jack?”

“At home. My dad was exposed to COVID last Friday when he went to the Rose Palace, which means he can’t work until at least Friday, another week from now. And that’s provided he doesn’t have any symptoms. So, are you going to show me where your horse is or what?”

Heck, no, she wasn’t! Glaring at the stranger, Becca did come out of the house, though, only to have the stranger step back several paces. “What? It’s not like Ihave COVID.”

“Yeah, sure. But I can’t work on your horse if we don’t social distance and all that. My dad made me promise.”

“I don’t want you to. Em, no, that’s not what I meant.” Becca coughed in order to cover her embarrassment and the stranger stepped back even farther.