“They were even more beautiful when they were first built,” Khnurn said.
Ian paused. Was Khnurn doing that thing again, or was it just coincedence the way he seemed to know exactly what Ian was thinking?
“You really do remind me of my mother,” Ian said.
“How so?” Khnurn asked, briefly looking over his shoulder.
Ian liked the way the moonlight hit Khnurn’s face, and wondered if there had ever been a man so pleasing to the eye. It took him a second to remember that he had a question to answer, and then he wondered how exactly to phrase it. His mother, his whole family, was a little hard to explain to people who didn’t know them. For some reason though, he had the feeling that there were some things about Khnurn that were hard to explain as well. Still, his answer should err on the side of caution.
“She has gifts,” he said.
“So do you,” Khnurn replied. “I can tell that you’re feeling the power of the pyramids as we speak.”
“That’s not all I’m feeling,” Ian said.