Chapter 5

His bike sat unmolested in the rack as they pulled into the parking lot at the apartment complex, and Tris climbed wearily out of the police cruiser. “Thanks. See you later.” He lifted his hand as the man drove away. He pulled the key to the tire lock out of his back pocket and knelt by the Huffy, but his eyes strayed to the door of Aiden’s apartment. He wondered if the twins were still there.

He scowled as he undid the chain and freed the front tire from the rack. It hadn’t been fair of Aiden to kiss him like that, igniting fires he’d tried to smother the long months they’d been separated. Tris put a hand to his cheek and felt Aiden’s lips brush against his skin. He remembered Aiden’s lush mouth burning kisses down his neck, sucking the tight buds on his chest, moving with tantalizing slowness down his abdomen. Fuck