Chapter 14

“The librarian? Sally at the grocery store? Katherine?” The blare of a horn brought him out of his reverie. Shit! He ducked his head and pedaled as hard as he could, hoping to God Aiden hadn’t noticed him circling the parking lot in front of his apartment. He laughed painfully, recalling the times in high school he’d trolled Aiden’s neighborhood, shirt off, new jeans snug on his hips, silently praying his best friend would see him as something more.

His face warmed when he thought of the time Aiden had caught him. He’d been riding in lazy circles on the street.


Startled, he’d jerked his head up and nearly crashed into a parked car when he spotted Aiden on his porch watching him, a small grin on the sexy lips Tris had just been dreaming of.

He’d pedaled into the driveway and stopped, straddling the bike. “Um…hi.”