Chapter 10

“Mom, listen to me carefully. I’m gay. That means I’m attracted to men only. Stop wasting your time—”

“How will you know you won’t like Cecilia if you’re not willing to give her a chance?”

“Have you tried to date a woman before?” Eric retorted as his irritation got the best of him.

“Of course not!”

“Why not?”

“Because that’s unnatural. All those gay people are disgusting perverts and pedophiles, and they all end up dying from AIDS. Don’t even get me started on those men who dress themselves up as women. That is so wrong. Men should behave like men, and women should do the same. Why can’t you be normal like your brothers?”

“I am normal.”

“No, you’re not. Not if you insist on this…this lifestyle. You’re bringing shame to our ancestors, your father and me, your brothers, and the rest of our families.”