“Ben, what is it?”
Benjamin didn’t utter a single word in response. Instead, he beckoned for Eric to follow him. Eric sighed softly before he tailed Benjamin obediently. He also turned around to look at Benjamin’s poor mother for a moment. He was astonished to see a familiar teenage boy talking to Benjamin’s mother. He might be wrong, but the teenage boy seemed to be the same one he had sort of noticed entering the barn right before he exited through the solid wall. He watched as the teenage boy gave her some bread and water before leading her away from the jeering group of teenagers.
“Eric, hurry up!”
Eric complied immediately. He glanced at Benjamin again, only to discover, in his astonishment, that he was standing right in front of a fresh grave. It was a simple one, and it only had a wooden plank with some Chinese characters written on it. The wooden plank was placed vertically on top of a pile of freshly dug soil. The body must have been buried recently.