WebNovelThe Thaw14.29%

Chapter 4

“You never married, am I right?” he asked.

My head lowered a bit as I played with the paper napkin. “Nope. You didn’t either, right?”

Surprisingly, VJ’s cheeks flushed. “No. I never found…” His voice died.

I let out a sigh. “Yeah. I know what you mean.”

It wasn’t just that I hadn’t found the right girl. God knows, I’d been with enough of them, a lot of them buckle bunnies from my rodeo days, but a lot of them from around here, too. So far none of them shouted, “You’re home. Now shut up and let’s get on with our lives.” Mostly the underlying message was, “How much is this ranch worth? Yeah, I could live with that.”

Guess VJ and I’d said everything we had to say to each other and wanted to keep other thoughts to ourselves cuz the rest of the meal played itself out in silence.

After we paid up and got ready to leave, I turned and looked at him.

“You want me to pick you up on Monday?”

VJ shook his head. “I’ll meet you there. I’ve got a few things I need to do before I can leave.”