“What do you suppose this means?”
He read the note, then shrugged. When his eyes returned to my face, he seemed to be searching.
“Hell if I know. We don’t look anything alike, so it’s not like he’s really our daddy or anything.” Tommy sighed. “Though I read about a doctor a few years back who’d impregnated a whole bunch of patients and had kids by women all over town. Shit, I don’t think Doc’d do something like that, do you?”
I couldn’t imagine it either. If nothing else, the childless Doc had been a stand-up guy, someone kids could lean on and be treated with care and respect. I never felt threatened or uneasy around him.
As the snow fell and mounted, we got tired going through Doc’s saved treasures and ended up grabbing one of the old games, Dungeon Fighter, and taking it to the kitchen table. As I made us some cracker and cheese snacks and got us beers, Tommy set up the game. We had played this as kids, fighting and arguing over nearly every move