WebNovelThe Thaw60.71%

Chapter 17

He was looking down at the bill while I was trying to come up with a damned snappy comeback

“You know,” VJ muttered, “I’m shocked that Sharon was pregnant in the beginning of our senior year. She had been the leading candidate for valedictorian. Then, there was a rumor she’d caught some sort of pneumonia during the summer and had gone away to recover. I can’t remember. Didn’t she come back to school still sick? Nobody ever said anything about her having a baby or an abortion.”

I was still coming down from him accusing me of getting girls pregnant, so I didn’t answer him. I couldn’t believe he’d think I’d do that—especially to someone like Sharon, who was way outta my league. It only took one date with her to prove that to me. She was smart; I was a jock. She was too brainy for us to have anything in common.