“Sure you are. At least as long as you don’t ruin it by pouting and acting like a spoiled little boy. You can be a pain in the arse at times.” He grinned.
Why had I even tried? I folded my lips together. I would not permit myself to snap, “Bugger it.” I would not permit myself to slam the frying pan down and storm out of the kitchen, leaving the omelette to burn. For a moment, I savoured the notion of the stunned silence that would no doubt be left behind in my wake.
I did nothing of the sort, however. Ashfords never swore. Ashfords never lost their temper. Ashfords never—
My father did not believe I was an Ashford. He believed my mother played him false, had had a passionate affair with…with someone else. Someone whose genes reinforced Mama’s chestnut hair and green eyes.
I went to a cupboard, removed a plate, and put it to the back of the cooker to warm, then carefully folded the omelette. Two slices of bread went into the toaster, and I pushed down the lever.