Chapter 13

With that done, I dressed and decided I’d make myself some breakfast before I left. Robert owed me a meal, if nothing else.

I would not permit myself a final glance at him; I opened the door and stepped out into the hallway. Before I pulled the door shut behind me, and in spite of my best intentions, I found myself looking back at the figure on the bed. Of course his face was turned away.

I sighed and closed the door. 3

“Wolves mate once, and they mate for life.” My father was the one who told me that when I was a randy teen, constantly beset by urges I wanted to explore. I worried about that, because I had no intention of remaining a virgin until my mate decided to put in an appearance. I wasn’t even certain if I was actually destined to have one, since I wasn’t an alpha and wouldn’t have pups—children. Dad had ruffled my hair. “Have your fun, Robin. I know it sounds clichéd, but when the right one comes along, you’ll find you have no desire for anyone else.”