Chapter 31

“This stays within this room.” Pennington waited until we both agreed. “Haynsworth is very cold, very prideful. He guards his emotions like a miser’s gold. If I had known that twenty-five years ago, I would have refused his request for Pamela’s hand. She was such a happy, high-spirited girl. Half that season’s eligible bachelors were lined up for her, pleading for a flower from her corsage or a smile or a glance from her eyes.” He tugged on his lower lip. “You have her eyes, did you know that, St John?”

“No, I did not, my lord.”

He glared at him. “Were you not the least bit curious about your mother, boy?”

“The sole time I asked Father about her, he informed me only that I was the spitting image of Uncle James, and confined me to my room for the rest of the week. He forbade me from mentioning Mama again.”