And so, when Trista had started her freshman year at Penn State Haggerton, barely a fifteen-minute walk from the Hollow Street house, she’d known exactly what she was doing on Halloween.
She wasn’t sure what she wanted to see. She was definitely hoping to spot the girl, and maybe to record a few footsteps or EVP—electronic voice phenomenon. But ghost stories were best when they were vague and half-substantiated: convincing enough that you could just about believe them, but not so convincing that you couldn’t leave them behind you when the lights came on. She had read on local ghost-hunting sites that the second presence in the Hollow Street house had a demonic feeling to it. Several investigators had reported persistent nightmares after visiting the place. Trista didn’t want to take that kind of souvenir home, and she decided it was fine with her if she didn’t encounter the second presence at all.
And yet, she thought wryly, here I go into its house.