Chapter 14

She clung to the spirit’s hand—and as she did so, she noticed that there was something about that hand she hadn’t expected. It was warm and solid, skin over muscle over bone—a real, living, human hand.

Keira—Keira the lovely, whose voice lit up the night—Keira was alive

“Come on.” Keira was pulling her toward the door. “We’ve got to go.”

Numb with wonder, Trista staggered to her feet.

Moving hurt. Something was holding her in place—something that ripped like a thick scab when she pulled away, leaving her head and chest raw with pain. But she got free, and held tightly to Keira’s arm as the other girl (the other living girl!) started for the door.

* * * *

The door did not want to open. They pulled at it together, both of them cursing and straining, until at last it popped open. Just as they were stepping out into the early morning air, something ran down the broken steps behind them.