Chapter 90

“Clive,” Chief Bartlet said. “I hope you and Elizabeth are well?”

Troy guessed he knew the senior councilman’s first name, although, like with Coach, it felt wrong to use it. He supposed he understood a little of how Nick at reception felt. But he didn’t have time to dwell on such things.

“Fine, fine.” The senior councilman then turned to Troy, silently asking why they were there.

Troy summarized things quickly, ending with, “And that’s why Chief Bartlet has agreed to assume his role as a tuohygan.”

“About fucking time,” Coach muttered loud enough for everyone to hear.

The senior councilman grasped Troy’s hand and shook it vigorously. “Young man, you’ve done something today I’ve tried and failed to do for the past twenty years. Congratulations on getting that SOB,” he pointed his free thumb at Chief Bartlet, “for getting him to finally wake up and smell the coffee.”

“Uh, yeah.” Troy nodded.