Gabe barely knew Jake at all, really. He tallied up the few things Jake had told him as he climbed the stairs.
Jake was from Indiana, one of the many, many US states Gabe knew nothing about. He was pretty religious and didn’t seem to like his parents much. He was living in Canada now, staying with his sister. He’d been a helicopter pilot. He’d been in Iraq. His helicopter had crashed over there and burned.
It was pathetically little, when Gabe thought about it. He knew more about Jake’s skin than he knew about the man himself, and even then, Jake had been scheduled to come in Tuesday morning, not Monday night. Gabe had known Jake a week, they’d gone out on two—sort of—dates if Gabe wanted to count the walk, and yet the four hours of the first inking session had been the longest time Gabe had ever spent with him.
Gabe didn’t even really know if Jake was gay. He had a feeling Jake was interested in him, but he didn’t know that for sure, either.