Chapter 55

Gabe knuckled away an itch on his cheek and then added more brown. He was planning on making Jake’s tattoo as realistic as possible, given the limitations of his tools and the living canvas of Jake’s skin. But this painting, Gabe wanted to make softer, more impressionistic.

Jake’s drawing of the helicopter was still on Gabe’s art table, carefully buried under a bunch of sketches he’d done for school. Gabe didn’t know what he’d say if Jake asked him why he still had it. The truth was, Gabe had kept the badly drawn helicopter for no better reason than that Jake had made it, which was like something out of his mom’s movie collection and which he would try to never admit to anyone.

Well, maybe he’d admit it to Jake. Later. And Gabe was also hoping it didn’t assume too much to think Jake would be in his apartment again.