Jake reached under the pillow and pulled out his dog tags, moving the metal rectangles until he freed the small cross between them. He hadn’t prayed in any formal way in months, not that being in a messy bedroom wearing boxer shorts could really be considered “formal.” But Jake sat on the bed with his head bowed, holding the cross in his hand with his dog tags and the chain dangling, and thought about what he wanted to say before he spoke.
“Thank you, Lord,” he began finally, and with his eyes closed, he could almost imagine the words drifting up to heaven. “Thank you for sending me Gabriel. He’s a better man than I deserve, and to be honest, I don’t know why he puts up with me, or why you led me to him. But…I can sleep here. Maybe because he woke me out of a nightmare. I don’t know. I just…I just want to be with him.