Gabe blinked and then bit his tongue to keep from laughing. “You’re not actually awake, are you?”
“No,” Jake said, which could have been in response to a different conversation entirely.
“It’s okay, Jake. Go back to sleep. I’m right here.”
He waited until all he could hear from Jake was soft, even breathing before he finally stood up, stifling a groan and shaking out his legs one at a time.
Gabe was still tired, but after being awake and talking, he wasn’t sure if he’d be able to go back to sleep again.
Sighing, Gabe carefully grabbed his boxers from the floor beside Jake’s bed and pulled them on, then smiled down at Jake.
Jake had been so concerned about inadvertently hurting Gabe in his sleep, he’d insisted he would stay in the guest room upstairs. Alice was working late and Molly was doing some slumber-party birthday thing at a friend’s house so Jake wasn’t worried about being near them, he said.