Chapter 89

Jake had purposely waited to bring Gabriel over until he knew she and Molly would be in bed, but it still worried him Alice hadn’t even heard the warning beeps of the alarm before Jake turned it off. Jake had been tempted to just stand there until the alarm clicked over from the warning to its full air-raid siren level blare, just to see if his sister or his niece would hear it and wake up. He would’ve just pretended he’d forgotten the code when Alice stormed downstairs. She’d have been pissed as hell but Jake was sure she’d believe him. He only didn’t because in the end he hadn’t wanted to start another fight.

“Yeah, I know about the brake and the gears,” Gabriel said.

Jake’s quick glance showed Gabriel was stepping on the brake like he was trying to crush it, but the stick slid easily to the drive position and Jake grinned at Gabriel’s satisfied smile