Chapter 4

“Uh, Dan? Theft?”

I sighed. At this rate, I was going to hemorrhage before we got to the date part, much less the afterward.

“Not a problem. I came up with an app and an alarm system that fits inside the bikes. When I loan them out, the app is activated once it clears this garage. It limits the rider to town and the bike trails. If you go outside those, the wheels lock up. If you don’t move the bike back within a few minutes, an alarm sounds until the bike is back in its home territory.” I picked up an old yellow Schwinn. “There’s also a tracking feature, so I can get the abandoned bikes back.”

“Oh. Wow. I guess I’d better warn Mack.”

“You think he’ll go further than the town limits? I can change his boundaries.”

I took out my phone to locate him and the bike.

“The kid’s fearless. He’ll ride to the city if there’s something that attracts him.”

“Okay, yeah, I’ll widen his range. And Lee?”