Chapter 6

“So I put on my suit and tie. Where are we heading?”

“Don’t you start, too, Dan.” Rick gave me the once over. “You do clean up nice, though. For a guy who usually has grease on his hands.”

“Oh, shut up. You with the white creases in his knuckles from all the flour permanently stuck there.” I eyed him in return. “You aren’t exactly embarrassing yourself. So I ask again. Where are we going?”

“Over to Rigmarole and the Andalusian restaurant. Have you eaten there before?”

I hadn’t. Rigmarole was an old lumber town that had clear cut its claim to fame back in the early 1900s. Now it was trying to make a comeback as a tourist attraction with upscale folk crafts and expensive restaurants. It had lured wineries from Napa and Sonoma Counties into opening wine bars and providing top notch wines for the town eateries. The village was becoming everything I hoped Sidetrack wouldn’t turn into.