Chapter 9

The best place for Ainya would be the healer’s house, if any of it even still stood. But Tarquin doubted the monster could carry her that far, and he knew he wouldn’t be able to help him

There were three stalls Tarquin guessed had been freshly done for their horses when he, Gretta, and Ainya had first arrived at the village. The straw looked thick and clean enough that Tarquin would’ve been happy to sleep on it himself. The walls also gave a welcome shelter from the winter air coming through the missing stable doors. It was still cold, but not nearly as icy as in the rest of the building.

“Here. No, wait.” He dragged himself to Southwind and unstrapped Ainya’s bedroll with his clumsy, half-numb fingers, then went back into the stall and spread it out on the straw. “You can put her down now.”