“Yes, fine, Your Majesty,” Tarquin said, rolling his eyes.
Prea kissed him on the cheek before she left.
Tarquin sighed as the stable doors closed and the bright daylight was blocked by the wood. He sat again and drew up his knees, then wrapped Prea’s cloak around himself until he felt like a little tent, but this way he was at least warm.
He wormed his hand out and touched Five’s forehead the way Prea had. It felt cooler than the skin of Tarquin’s fingers, but not dangerously so. Maybe Five just ran cold, like a nereid. His skin was kind of nereidish, now Tarquin thought about it, though Five’s was pebbly and armorlike, and nereids were far more like the fishes they shared their world with. And nereids didn’t have Five’s thick wiry hair that looked like it belonged on a wolf pelt. Or those yellow eyes…