Five displayed his claws again and then pointed at the loose drawstring.
“Whoops!” Five’s awful robe made more sense now. It would’ve been something he could get on even with his claws.
Tarquin tied the drawstring, trying very hard to keep his gaze from straying north or south of Five’s waist. Now he was clean, his skin was such a light gray it was almost white, gleaming like polished leather in the soft hearth lights above them. Five was densely muscled like Ainya, like a shield, but what made it difficult for Tarquin to stop his gaze drifting upward was the scars that crisscrossed Five’s painfully visible ribs. A few Tarquin recognized from the fight, but for most he couldn’t even guess at what had caused them. They all looked like they’d hurt a great deal.
Five’s newest wound, the burned shieldmark, stood out like a bruise on his pale neck, with the claw marks slashing it in three faint red lines.