Chapter 6

“I posted a bunch on Facebook about it when it happened,” Dana said, resting a hand on Ted’s free one. “I was so tickled for you all.”

Ted struggled not to pull his hand away as if she’d bitten it. He took another steadying drink. “So you will respect the law of the land, yes?”

Bob nodded. “You know the troublemakers who will complain about it, but I can handle them. MAC doesn’t discriminate. And we respect you, Ted.”

“More than Wally, I hope.” Ted snorted.

Dana laughed.

Bob shifted on his stool, uncomfortable.

“No one wants Wally to run the place.” Dana patted his hand before she pulled it away, at last.

Bob said, “But we also want to respect your father’s wishes—as much as we can.”

“What does that mean?” Ted asked, catching his eye.

Bob held the gaze over his wife’s martini on the bar. “Means it needs to be a real marriage.”

“How can you tell? Will you measure how in love I am?”

Bob shook his head. “You know that’s not what I mean.”