“I mean to make peace with Wally—but he has to take responsibility. And he can’t keep behaving like this,” Ted said with a sigh.
“I want to say Race would be proud of you…”
“But Race wouldn’t give a shit, I know. I do, though, as it turns out.” Ted snorted. “Do you think Wally could handle the charitable end of things for the family?”
“The MacTaggart Trust?” Echo’s brow furrowed in thought. “Yeah, actually. Though I wouldn’t give him full control.”
“No. Just oversight. I’d still have final say on what we supported. I’d be afraid he’d pull support from Dayton Pride just to fuck with me, otherwise. But apart from that, it’d be good for him to have to think about others in need.”
“That’s big of you,” Echo said.
“It’s not. It’s Ryan.”
“It was his idea?”
“No. But he’s to blame.”
Echo rolled their eyes. “I’m glad you have someone to blame your kind impulses on now, Ted. That’ll save you a lot of trouble.”