Chapter 55

“I’m in love with her,” Dinessa said, pretending to swoon into Ted’s arm.

He supported her, taking her arm in his, though he knew she was faking it. “Me too. I’m glad you had an in with the rescue. That was quick.”

“Dogs aren’t really gifts, but it’s a special birthday for you,” Dinessa said. “Celebrating your new family and company.”

“I suppose I’m ready for more responsibility,” Ted mused. He meant the dog more than MAC Superior.

“You handled everything with Wally perfectly,” Dinessa said.

Maybe he and Ryan couldn’t read each other’s minds yet, but Dinessa could read them both, that much was becoming clear.

Ryan chucked the stick again, and Betsy ran after it. She’d come from a local rescue after being picked up on the street somewhere, skinny and scared. Dinessa had found her via some friends. She was a joyful little thing, now, for all she’d been through, always frolicking and incredibly food-motivated.