Returning to the court, Vaughn began to delegate tasks amongst the attendants. He started telling us what to do as well, which Quiller and Garnet moaned about. Vesey was sent to locate our wayward middle brother, Yale, while Selby decided that heshould be delegating too, not actually doing any work.
I yawned once more. My eyes wanted to close, and my limbs were sluggish. When I got under their feet too many times, Selby sent me away, telling me to take a nap. I gratefully trudged upstairs, pleased to be on my own. I opened the door to my bedroom, and saw that my bed was made. My bed was nevermade. Surely I hadn’t been gone a whole season? Collapsing on the moss and woven silk, I fell asleep almost immediately. I dreamt of grey, violet tinged eyes, and silver-spun hair.
The warlock.