“I’m just going to say this, and then if you want me to leave, I will.”
“I’m not kicking you out before the cookies are baked. No matter what.”
That reassured him like I wanted it to, and he finally relaxed his shoulders. It still took him several moments and deep breaths before he turned to fully face me.
“I’ve wanted you since we first met. Do you remember? It was at Maddie’s birthday party two years ago.”
“I remember,” I whispered. He’d come straight from work and he was wearing a suit that had made me drool. I was shocked he’d even noticed me that day. We’d barely even spoken, beyond quick introductions from Cooper.
“But I was dating Molly at the time. So I pushed it down. And then when she and I fell apart, you’d started dating Simon. And you seemed really happy. Every time we met up after that, you were always talking about him or you brought him with you. I thought I’d missed my chance and resigned myself to that fact.”