Chapter 48

He didn’t let it go this time. “What are you, gay or something?”

My eyes shot up to his, and he turned red.

“You aregay!”

I scowled at him. “Why don’t you get a bullhorn and announce it to the whole damn mall while you’re at it?

“Jesus, Small, why didn’t you ever say anything?” He scowled back at me. “I’m your best friend. You can’t think I’d care a rat’s ass!”

“Yes…No…Look, can we not talk about it?”

“Is that—geez, Ty, is that why you left home? Did your dad throw you out?”

“No, that isn’t why I left home. I’m going to King College in January, and it’s easier to drive there from where I am now. And no, Dad didn’t throw me out! You know him. He’d never do anything that assholery-ish.”

“Is that even a word?”

“I don’t know, and I don’t care. Don’t you start spreading bullshit like that about him, or you can start looking for a new best friend!”

Jimmy stared at me with something like awe in his eyes. “Wow! I’ve never seen you get so worked up before!”