Chapter 11

Charlie was outside the bishop’s office as if waiting for Spenser.

“Everything okay?” he asked as Spenser emerged.

Something clicked in Spenser’s brain. The bishop had said it had been brought to his attention Spenser was living with someone. Now here was Charlie, still hanging around after everyone else had left, curious to know what the bishop had wanted to talk to Spenser about. It must have been Charlie who’d brought Spenser’s change in living situation to the bishop’s attention, hoping to stir up trouble. How he’d found out about Spenser’s new living arrangement, Spenser couldn’t guess.

Not wanting to give the man any satisfaction, Spenser smiled and said, “Nothing important. He just wanted to let me know he felt I was doing a good job.”

The eager expression on Charlie’s face vanished as if he’d stepped in dog poo.

The two men walked to the parking lot together. Charlie was quiet.