Chapter 3

Though he didn’t let his smile falter, inwardly Sam cursed the girl’s big mouth. “Only because I would’ve expected Gordon to call and gloat at me that he landed you,” he answered without pause. “When he didn’t bother telling me who he cast, I just figured it was someone new.”

“He probably didn’t bother telling you because he didn’t bother making up his mind until last week. It got to the point, I didn’t even want the gig, if he was going to jerk me around like that. But I couldn’t pass up the chance to work with the likes of you and Eva.”

The warmth in the casual compliment sent a tingle down Sam’s spine. “Don’t forget the script. We’ve got some amazing scenes ahead of us.”

“Script’s not worth much if you don’t have somebody great standing across from you. I learned that lesson the hard way.”