“I’m sure you’re right.” Elijah sipped from his cup. “Well, I hope you’re right.”
“I’m right.” He offered a shy smile before his lashes ducked. “I wouldn’t steer you wrong, Eli.”
Elijah tilted his head. “Did you just call me Eli?”
In the murky soundstage, it was hard to be certain, but it looked like there was a distinct flush creeping up the back of Sam’s neck. “Yeah. Sorry. I have a habit of shortening names if I can.”
“No, don’t apologize. I like it. Elijahcan be quite a mouthful. Especially if your mind is on other things.”
His color deepened, though Sam stopped hiding away in embarrassment and looked up again. It really was no wonder the teenybopper mags splashed his picture everywhere. With his flawless bone structure and the cleft in his chin, he had a face that begged to be admired. But it was the casual disarray of his sun-streaked hair and the laughing pale eyes that made him human. More than human.