Chapter 5

“Sometimes…if I think they might be worth finding again, not that it’s likely to happen but…”

Quint frowned and asked, “Who has access to your studio to know what you’re painting?”

“Me,” Clay replied. “My studio is at one end of my loft. I live in the other two-thirds and I rarely have guests.”

“But you do. Sometimes.”

“Once in a blue moon. I’m not the social type.” Clay chuckled dryly. “Amanda can testify to that.”

“Oh yeah,” she said. “Getting him here for the opening of a new show is like pulling teeth.”

“Are any of these guests—as you put it—regulars, even if only occasionally?”

“No. They’re guests, nothing more. My list of friends can be counted on one hand and still have three fingers left. Well, excluding Amanda and her husband, that is.”

“Do you have any enemies? Because from what I’m seeing, this is aimed at you in some way.”