Chapter 11

As if sensing Clay’s reservations, Quint said, “I’ll stay out of your hair. I won’t even turn on the TV. I promise.”

“That kind of thing doesn’t bother me. It’s…” Clay sighed then tried to push his dismay to one side. “As long as you stay out of the studio end of the loft, I’ll be okay with it.”


“When are you going to start?”

“No time like the present. Well, tonight anyway. I do have to get back to the station to see if there’s been any word on Travis and run a search for Mr. Rivera to see if he’s still alive and kicking.”

“Damn, I hope he is. I already feel guilty enough about those other men.”

“Don’t. None of this is your fault. You’ve caught the attention of a very sick man, presuming the killer isn’t Travis. I suppose you could say he is too, if it’s him.”

“He may have been egotistical and somewhat possessive, but I honestly can’t see him doing this.”

“Clay, don’t write someone off just because you knew them. Everyone has a darker side they try to keep hidden.”