Chapter 19

He glanced at the clock on the wall, saw it was close to five, and decided to stop for now and maybe fix supper. As he began cleaning up, his cordless phone rang. He snagged it from the stand, hoping that it was Quint calling. He figured it had to be, unless it was Amanda. They were the only two he thought wouldcall his home phone, since they both knew he turned off his cell when he was working. He pressed the Talk button while collecting his brushes, tucked the phone between his ear and shoulder, and said, “Clay here.”

When the caller didn’t reply, he reiterated, “This is Clay.”

Again there was silence before whoever was on the other end hung up. He quickly checked the Caller ID, only to see that it said Anonymous

“Very weird,” he grumbled, setting it back in the stand. “Probably a wrong number and they didn’t want to admit it. Dolt.”

Less than ten minutes later the phone rang again. This time he checked the ID first and smiled when he saw the call was from Quint.