Aiden’s new phone rang, so incongruously normal and ordinary and sane that for a moment he didn’t even know what the sound was for. He fished it out of his pocket, only vaguely curious, then actually curious when he saw it was Cassandra. He cleared his throat before he answered. “Cass?”
“Are you all right?”
He winced, wondering how bad he must look if he sounded so rough Cassandra could hear it. “Yeah, I’m fine. I mean, as fine as possible, considering.” Aiden glanced at Greg, who barely bobbed one shoulder, agreeing to Aiden’s implied request not to tell her about what they’d done. “What’s up?”
“Where are you? Actually, it doesn’t matter.” Cassandra sounded jubilant. “Just get your ass over to the Casting Arts and Sciences building. My advisor just called me. She came back early after she got my messages. She’s pretty sure she can help you.”