Davidson didn’t conjure anything. She looked far more furious than concerned. Her casting amulets were all apparently around her neck, each one glowing blue and green. She parried with her hands, but it worked. Cassandra could hardly touch her, but whenever she did, it left luridly red, bloody streaks. It was astonishing Davidson was still upright, but she barely seemed inconvenienced, let alone harmed.
Aiden wanted to help his friends. But an office with books and artifacts strewn all over the floor was a terrible place for a swordfight, especially with the kind of whirling attacks Cassandra favored. She was hampered by the lack of room, and it was all Aiden could do to stay out of her way and not get either of them stabbed by accident.
Maybe if they were lucky someone would come to Davidson’s floor and see what was going on. It was a weekday, for all the gods’ sake. Surely they weren’t the only people in the building.