Chapter 54

Davidson pulled on the gloves, then opened the jar and dipped in two fingers. They came up coated in black liquid that reminded him of the stuff that oozed out of his chest, though this smelled much worse. She used it to draw a careful line over the inside of each of his wrists, then over his ankles. The last thing she did was draw a small circle on his forehead.

Tanya sighed in relief and let go of him. “Thank you. That was tiring,” she said to Davidson, shaking out her arms. But Aiden still couldn’t move.

He was so immobilized now, he might as well have been bolted in place. He couldn’t even speak, only whine at the terror racing through him. Aiden struggled until his head felt like it was about to explode and blackness snuck in around the edges of his vision. But if he managed to do so much as curl a finger, he couldn’t feel it.