Chapter 34

Landreth leaned on his saddle horn. “Strobaw, you son of a bitch. You got me in a hell of a fix. If it wasn’t for Caleb Brown, I’d hightail it back home and leave you to clean up your own mess.”

“But you’re not going to do that, are you?”

Landreth ignored me. “Middleton’s a nasty bastard. Stays on the right side of the law when he can but cuts across it when it suits his purpose.”

“What do you think he’ll do next?”

The sheriff straightened up in the saddle. “Likely won’t do nothing more’n harass us till that army column gets here. Then he’ll let them stop us.”

“The army hasn’t been moving until now, and these men have been off the reserve for some time,” I said. “Let me tell you what I think happened. My brother-in-law, Captain Gideon Haleworthy, knows what’s going on and wired the Indian agent at Pine Ridge. The agent called in the army. I think he sent them to make sure Iron Head gets through with his cattle.”