Chapter 47

Hume’s eyes rested directly on me as he got up to confront us. “What’s the Injun doing here?”

“Mr. Strobaw denies selling us his water rights,” Pindleton said.

“Damnation, don’t a man’s signature mean nothing no more? Not to the heathens, I guess. Hate dealing with them.”

Was Hume trying to provoke me as I had been doing his partner, or was this a show for the sheriff? Didn’t really matter.

The door opened behind us and all six-foot-one of Richard Bacon walked in with Ethan close behind.

“You kin wait outside,” Hume said to Ethan. “Can’t take two redskins at the same time.”

Ethan hid his reaction behind his eyes and stood his ground. That worried me a little. I knewI was being provoked. Would my lover understand that?

“Now, Friday. Let’s keep this businesslike.” Pindleton turned to the back of the room. “Philby, would you come up here a minute? For Mr. Bacon’s benefit, let me explain he’s the gentleman who witnessed Mr. Strobaw make his mark on the bill of sale.”