Chapter 54

“John!” Ethan called from outside. I turned and rushed to the door as three shots rang out in quick succession.

He turned as I raced to his side. “Second man. Came up out of the gully on his horse and took off to the east.”

“Did you hit him?”

“No. Let’s go—”

We both whirled at the sound of a horse rushing into the yard. Andre pulled to a halt beside us. “I heard gunfire. What’s going on?”

“Ambusher,” I said. “He was going for me but got Gabe. Second one took off on his horse.” I turned to my lover. “You go in the house and stay with Rachel Ann and Ides. Do what you can to make things easier for them. Andre, you ride for the fort to let Gideon know what’s happened. I’m going after the man who’s running.”

Ethan started to object but apparently saw the determination in my eyes. He took up the two pigeon cages and headed for the cote. “I’ll send a message to the Mead letting them know what happened,” he said. “I’ll let them know one of the bushwhackers headed east.”