Once we reached the house, I ate ravenously, emptying the stewpot on the stove. He nibbled as he watched me obliquely, often reaching out to touch my hand or arm. Once my empty belly was filled, I sent a homing pigeon to Winter Bird. He watched curiously but asked no questions.
Then I sat opposite Ethan at the kitchen table and covered his hands with mine. “I want us to go to my friend Touch the Clouds on the Cheyenne River Reservation, and ask him to marry us before the council. Is that acceptable to you?”
His eyes lit up before his face did as he struggled to contain himself. He nodded as if a momentous decision had just been made. “That would please me. But why not just go back to Pine Ridge?”
“I do not know Red Cloud that well. Touch the Clouds accepted ‘s and my pledge, and I want yours and mine to be just as powerful.”
“I will go anywhere with you, Medicine Hair. I will be yours forever.”