How Gideon had found time to let them know what was going on, I didn’t know, but my sister was all agog over an orphaned baby at Turtle Crick. She toted a bag full of things needed to care for an infant. Items left over from Ides and Gabe, I supposed.
We arrived at Turtle Crick to find that Libby had returned to the Liberty but left Dex to keep an eye on Ethan and the baby. Dex’s relief at spying Rachel Ann come through the door was palpable. He promptly turned over the infant girl to my sister.
“Ethan’s got some fever, but otherwise, he’s doing fine. Baby’s sound as a ripe pumpkin,” he said.
One look at my mate’s sweat-covered face confirmed Dex’s judgment. Indeed, he had the fever typical of gunshot wounds, but his eyes were seeing, not wild and vacant. I’d work the night through to keep the worst of it at bay. No matter my own weakened state.
“Are you all right? What happened to you?” Ethan exclaimed in a tremulous voice when I took him a mug of cool water.