Chapter 97

“You can likely hang me or shoot me if that’s what you’re bound on. But before you do, you have to promise me one thing. You must promise to help my sister and my nephew take care of this farm. Whether we come or whether we go, the land needs tending. That’s all I’ve ever done is take care of the land. Except for when the army chased me away during the troubles, I’ve never done anything else. Tended the land here or at Teacher’s Mead.”

I took a breath. “And while I was away, I tried to do the same thing over on the reservation. I recognize your laws and obey them because for the most part, they are natural laws. I do not seek out trouble, although at times it seems as if trouble hunts me up.” I snatched off my hat. “I may look different from you. And in some ways, I am different, but in all that counts, we are the same. I give respect, but in return, I expect respect. Now what will it be?”

Bemis swung out of the saddle. “I’m arresting you for—”