Chapter 14

Aaron’s shaking fingers found a seam in the wallpaper, and he levered it up with the edge of the paint scraper.

It was time. It was time to stop wallowing. It was time to stand up straight again. It was time to move forward into a new life, even if he didn’t know yet what shape that new life would take. It was time to come to terms with his past, both here in Spruce Creek and in Afghanistan, and to stop letting it drown him. Hell, maybe it was even time to stop drinking.

His mouth quirked into a bitter smile at the thought. Well, baby steps, right? Because he had an idea that he’d really be able to use a beer after today. A beer, and probably at least one of those unopened bottles of whiskey he’d stashed upstairs where Uncle Will wouldn’t find them. Because after tearing the scab off this wound, oblivion sounded good.

He thought again of how his parents had put this wallpaper up, long before he was even born. Thought of how they’d bought this little house and made it their own.