
Chapter 2

Liam understood why anyone would be wary of a stranger approaching him at the airport and asking about his traveling situation. He reached into his jacket and pulled out two flight tickets

“I have one extra ticket if you’re interested. The plane goes to Thailand and it leaves in about two hours.” Liam kept his gaze on the tickets as the idea seemed worse and worse in his head. Why was he so awkward? Why wasn’t the man talking? Liam risked a look and saw a shocked expression that made him want to throw up the little food he’d eaten in the last few days.

“Why?” A hesitant question, spoken softly, was a clear indicator that the young male didn’t grasp what was happening.

“Why?” Liam pulled a confused expression as if he didn’t understand the question. “Because I have a ticket and you need one.”

This simple statement was quite flawless and impossible to argue against. Maybe that was why the younger man inhaled sharply, as if he didn’t want emotions to sway him.

“I’d like the ticket, but I don’t have that much money. How much would I have to pay?” he asked, sounding much more coherent than seconds ago.

“What do you mean by ‘pay’? I already said I have an extra, I’m giving it to you.” Liam felt like him and the young man were on two completely different wavelengths. It was proven as the other looked at him shocked and shook his head rapidly.

“I can’t just take it!”

“Why not? If you don’t take it, I’ll just throw it away. It’s really no big deal.” Liam decided to save his companion from the intense thought process that was clearly going through his head and simply put the ticket on his lap. “Another person’s details are on it so you still have to pay for the re-registration, but other than that everything’s settled. I hope to see you on the plane.”

Liam didn’t wait for the answer. He got up and left the scene with a lighter heart and a bouncier step as he felt he did something good. 2: Kind Stranger, Who Are You?

Milo stood in the queue as he waited patiently for his turn to get personal details on the ticket changed. He scanned the small piece of paper with flight information for passenger Jasper Kranc. He still couldn’t comprehend what happened, but the need to get away from England was replaced by the need to find the mysterious man and express his gratitude. This excitement and energy was bubbling underneath his skin making it impossible to stay still. He bounced on his heels, clicked his tongue, and annoyed the office workers enough to open the second line and invite him to the front. Formalities were finished in less than thirty minutes, which gave him time to get some food and water.

When his last paper bag ended in the trash can and his stomach felt perfectly full, the realness of the situation settled heavily on his shoulders. He could feel the plastic chair digging into his back, the bright lamp flickering, and the air full of scents, which was already a bad sign for someone as anxious as him. What made him feel worse were wandering eyes that stopped on him for too long for comfort, evaluating whether he was too young to travel alone.

Before anyone could ask, he got up to grab extra snacks that would hopefully appease any stranger. He still had some time before boarding the plane and getting very desired answers.

* * * *

Liam made himself comfortable on the plane. He put the luggage safely in the storage place, took off his jacket, and settled in the seat with a book in one hand and the water bottle in the other.

He was fully prepared to not have a mental breakdown on the plane, thank you very much. As the neurotic person he was, he prepared a bunch of options to occupy his mind during the flight, while trying to avoid all possible triggers. He knew that listening to music wouldn’t lift his mood like it usually did, but would rather lead to the secret playlist of his that forced tears out of his eyes even on his best days. He couldn’t look at the darkening sky and not fantasize about lying in his bed and hugging his dog, Merry, as if nothing happened.

He knew he couldn’t look at the beautiful sunset and not think of what he left behind.

A loud thud coming from the middle part of the plane grabbed his attention. The young man he’d gifted his ticket to looked at him with an embarrassed expression as he stood up rapidly and gathered all the snacks after his spectacular fall. He was clearly embarrassed as Liam snorted loudly in the relatively quiet plane. Liam didn’t know he still could feel enough joy to do that.