By then Quint had ended the call. Giving Zack’s phone back to him, Quint said, “Your father tells me you have a small collection of artwork that he and your father…Okay, that sounds confusing.”
Zack chuckled. “Tell me about it. But I get the picture. They told you I have some etchings that they’ve given me over the years. Ones from their collection.”
“Let me guess. You’d like me to contact this man and have him do an appraisal on one of them.”
“Exactly. Brian suggested the Renoir.”
“Possible. It was only valued at $8,000.00 the last time theyhad it appraised.”
“Holy shit!” Trev said, whistling in shock. “You…you have artwork like that hanging in your place? That gives a whole new meaning to come up and see my etchings.”
Zack laughed before asking Quint, “Will an etching work for this?”
“I’ll ask…” Then he snapped his fingers. “I have a better idea. How would you like to own—at least temporarily—an original Clay Richardson?”